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Projects and Improvements#

Current Projects#

Halligan Resrervoir with Halligan Water Supply Project logo

Halligan Water Supply Project

If approved, the Halligan Water Supply Project will enlarge Halligan Reservoir by approximately 8,100 acre-feet to help provide additional protection for Fort Collins Utilities' water customers from future service interruptions during emergencies.

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Oak Street Stormwater Improvements Project

Oak Street Stormwater Improvements Project

The Oak Street Stormwater Improvements Project is one of several stormwater projects that have been identified as part of the overall Downtown Stormwater Improvement Program (DSIP) and will contribute to resolving the urban flooding issues in downtown Fort Collins.

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Area of Fossil Creek Stream that is experiencing erosion and loss of vegetation.

Fossil and Stanton Creek Stream Rehabilitation Project

Beginning in October 2025, this project will address the impacts from agricultural flows through Fossil Creek and work with existing conditions on Stanton Creek to create a more sustainable channel.

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Installing large storm sewer pipe

Downtown Stormwater Improvement Plan (DSIP)

Downtown Fort Collins is at risk for flooding and pollution from urban stormwater runoff from downtown can impact the Cache la Poudre River. DSIP will address the five major stormwater projects remaining in the downtown area.

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Sewer Collection System Improvement Project

Portions of our sewer systems have been identified as high priority projects based on age, condition and size. Crews will replace or rehabilitate aging wastewater collection infrastructure with new infrastructure that meets current standards. The program will focus on sewer lines in the Downtown area where Utilities records indicate the wastewater system was installed in the early 1900s.

The first step in this project is to confirm locations of existing underground utilities (known as 'potholing').

Estimated Potholing Dates

Did You Know?

Customers experience some of the best reliability in the country with the average household being without power for less than 20 minutes per year – that means service is available 99.99% of the time!

Ensuring the air flow around your refrigerator is not obstructed helps your fridge run more efficiently. 

Home office and overall electronics typically use very little electricity (1 cent or less per hour on average).