Erosion & Sediment Control#
Erosion and sedimentation are natural processes, the intensities of which are increased by land-disturbing activities. Clearing and stripping of land can cause an increase in localized erosion rates, with subsequent deposition of sediments and damage to adjacent, downstream and leeward properties. Erosion can reduce or destroy the aesthetic and practical values of neighboring properties.
The City is committed to the enhancement and protection of existing development, streams, lakes, wetlands and rivers that may be impacted by sediment laden runoff and encourages builders to maintain the natural balance between sediment supply and transport.
It is also the City's policy to encourage water erosion control by leaving land undisturbed as long as possible (by project phasing) and using temporary and permanent erosion control Best Management Practices (BMPs).
Pre-construction: Development and Building Review#
Most land-disturbing activities are planned for with Building Services or the Development Review Center; as part of the planning process, all applicable projects are required to submit erosion and sediment control materials (Plan, Report, Escrow) in accordance with the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual adopted December 2018 with Ordinance 159, 2018. The Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual, 2018 is a standalone document.
The Erosion Control chapters of the Stormwater Criteria are as follows:
- Chapter 2 – Development Submittal Requirements
- Chapter 3 – During & Post Construction Requirements
- Chapter 4 – Construction Control Measures
- Appendix D – Construction Control Measures Guidance
- Appendix E – Construction Control Measures Fact Sheets
- Appendix F – Construction Control Measures Standard Notes
- Example of a Sequence Chart
- Example Erosion Control Escrow (Security) Calculation
- Erosion Control Escrow (Security) Bond Template
- Erosion Control Escrow (Security) Letter of Credit Template
- Erosion Control Submittal Checklist
The Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria, dated 2011, is no longer regulatory but will be retained here for reference purposes and for those projects that were started under the previous criteria.
Construction: Inspections#
An initial inspection is required after acceptance of erosion and sediment control materials and before land disturbing activities can begin. As with all sites across Fort Collins, inspections will then continue until the site is fully stabilized. At that time, final inspections can be conducted and securities can be returned.
To request an inspection, please email with the type of inspection being requested, contact information, building permit number, project name, address and any other relevant information.
Did You Know?
You can save water when washing fruits or vegetables by filling the sink with water instead of running the faucet.
After a rain, skipping watering until the grass dries will save not only water, but also money.
The fireplace damper and doors should be closed when not in use. It prevents warmed or cooled air from easily escaping the house.