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Stormwater Criteria#

Low Impact Development (LID)#

In February of 2013, City Council adopted the LID policy and criteria in Ordinance 152, 2012. This Ordinance was later updated in January 2016 with Ordinance 007, 2016 to provide additional flexibility in the implementation of the LID Policy.

The LID Implementation Manual has been adopted as part of the Stormwater Criteria Manual and is attached as Appendix C: LID Implementation Manual.

View construction details for commonly used LID systems by clicking the button below and opening the "Stormwater" folder. Commonly used details are D-53, D-53A, D-54, and D-55. 

Construction Details

Rain Gardens and Pollinator Gardens#


Combining a rain and pollinator garden has multiple benefits including improved water management, biodiversity support, and erosion control. By tapping into the following resources, you can gather information, plants, and guidance to create a beautiful and beneficial rain/pollinator garden. 

Rain and Pollinator Garden Resources

Did You Know?

Planting fast-growing vines is a quick way to block unwanted summer sun. You'll get results in months.

Stormwater pollution is the number one cause of water pollution in the country, and you can help prevent it.

Permanent "duct mastic" material – not duct tape – should be used for sealing attic ductwork and crawl spaces.