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Smart Controller Data Input Table#

Use this table example to input data to program the Smart Controller. Terms will vary according to the type of controller installed. Refer to the User's Manual for a definition of the parameters as defined by the specific controller. For drip zones, use the estimated precipitation rate.

Zone ID Sprinkler Type Precip. Rate
Plant Material Type Soil Type Slope Microclimate
A1 Spray 1.5 Cool turf Clay Gentle Sunny All Day
A2 Spray 1.5 Warm turf Clay Mild Sunny Most of the Day
A3 Rotor .5 Cool turf Clay Steep Shady Most of the Day
A4 Drip 1.1 Shrubs Clay None Shady All Day
A5 Bubbler 2.3 Perennials Clay Moderate Sunny All Day

Did You Know?

We operate a flood warning system that monitors real-time rainfall information.

There are 13 stormwater basins within the City of Fort Collins Growth Management Area, each with their own master plan.

Permanent "duct mastic" material – not duct tape – should be used for sealing attic ductwork and crawl spaces.