Electric Development Fee Estimator#
You must select a service amperage!
You must select a service amperage!
Electric capacity estimate
The ECF shall be determined based on the amps for each proposed meter, calculated individually then aggregated, and the ECF charges in effect at the time of full payment:
Building Site Estimate
Total Estimated Fees:
100% of above total is payable prior to scheduling electric construction.Building site charges for installation of electric service to the building (typically /building) are paid at the time of building permit.
Electric service to the building is installed, owned, and maintained by the owner.
Electric Capacity Estimate Detail:
Building Site Estimate Detail:
Secondary service from the transformer to the building is provided, installed and maintained by the owner.Did You Know?
Using low water-using plants that provide seasonal colors and textures for year-round beauty can help save on irrigation costs.
Closing windows during summer days keeps cool air inside (while your AC is running).
Ensuring heating registers aren't blocked by furniture, carpet, drapes can help your heating system perform better.