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Free Online Access to Your Electric and Water Meter Data#

Mid- to large-size commercial customers are eligible to participate in MV-WEB, a free, web-based service that allows organizations to view their electric use (kWh), facility demand data (kW), and water use (gal).

MV-WEB provides secure electric and water meter data for each metered account. The tool allows for data to be analyzed through multiple report types (e.g. daily usage profile, monthly facility peaks, etc.). Data may also be exported into spreadsheet applications.

Use MV-WEB to:

  • identify abnormal water use that may indicate a costly leak (or use MyWater to track your water use)
  • view facility peak electric and water use
  • analyze 15-, 30- and 60-minute interval electric data
  • analyze 60-minute interval water data
  • compare electric and water use for multiple meters
  • measure the effect of operational changes over time
  • identify opportunities to manage and reduce energy and water use

Log in to MV-WEB

For more information or to sign up, email Utilities Business Resource Team.

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