Evaporative Loss and Consumptive Use Credits#
Getting Started#
- Review applicable Ordinance and Code - Sec. 26-279 (c) (4)
- Process Loss Adjustment
Service Lines, Meters and Appurtenances Specifications
Plumbing/Mechanical/Engineering Plan Review
It is the customer’s responsibility to review the Ordinance to determine if the process would be beneficial in their particular situation/circumstance. For questions, call Utilities Business Resource Team at 970-416-4268 or email UtilitiesBizResourceTeam@fcgov.com.
Pay close attention to how wastewater bills will be calculated. Section 26‐219 of the Municipal Code allows for City staff to inspect the equipment and facilities of any user at any reasonable time to ascertain compliance with applicable ordinances, rules and regulations.
How to Apply#
Complete the online application; will receive pre-approval once reviewed via email.
Schedule a plumbing inspection and Utilities Water Meter Shop inspection (970-221-6756) after receipt of pre-approval.
Utilities Program Coordinator will provide final approval, amount of credit and credit start date once passed inspection reports from both plumber and Water Meter Shop are received.
In the case an application is denied due to eligibility or corrective action needed, Utilities staff will contact customer in the same time frame as indicated above.
Contact your business resource team representative at 970-416-4268 or UtilitiesBizResourceTeam@fcgov.com with questions.
Plumbing/Mechanical/Engineering Plan Review#
Facility Engineering
They must be sealed and signed by a Professional Engineer (registered in STATE OF COLORADO).
- Each drawing shall have a signature and date block as part of the application.
- At final/completion of review process, required copies shall be furnished by applicant to provide required record copies with approved signature and date.
- Its location on the site/property/plant etc
- Its size
- Customer’s account number for water service
- Its location
- Its size, manufacturer, model number and meter compliance per AWWA Std. C700‐95 is required and supported by specification data such as meter ratings, manufacturer’s flow rating (gpm), pressure rating (psi), materials of construction, and connection type and size. See list of approved meter manufacturers.
- Meter installation ‐ note specifically location of meter bypass (if applicable)
- Its location
- Its size, manufacturer, model number, meter compliance per AWWA Std. C700‐95 is required and supported by specification data such as meter ratings, manufacturer’s flow rating (gpm), pressure rating (psi), materials of construction, and connection type and size. See list of approved meter manufacturers.
- Meter installation ‐ note specifically
- location of meter bypass (if applicable)
- meter discharge positive head (elevated discharge piping min, 12”)
- vertical meter installation approved for upward flow only
- size and location of sanitary sewer inlet utilized for cooling tower drain
- No further details
Flow metering greater than 3” shall be reviewed on a case by case basis and shall require Utility Engineering review approval. It is likely other types of flowmeter principle shall be employed other than the cold water type meter and require remote measure signal output and/or recording, telemetry, etc.
Cross Connection Control
- Show size, type, and location of existing of existing backflow prevention assemblies on the process water line.
- If proposing new backflow prevention assemblies, approved backflow protection to the potable water system from the process must be achieved by installing one of the following requirements of the Fort Collins Utilities Cross Connection Control Manual.
Manual available here.
Refer backflow questions to Norm Mill at nmill@fcgov.com or (970) 416‐2249
Did You Know?
Fats, oils and grease can clog the pipes in your home and the City’s wastewater system. Don’t put them down the drain. Toss them instead.
Changing your hot tub setting to "economy mode" can save energy and money.
Wearing an extra layer of clothing during the winter and lowering the thermostat a few degrees can help save money and energy.