Direct Installation#
Direct installation includes:
High-Efficiency Lighting (LEDs and Specialty LEDs)
- Use up to 67 percent less energy
- Last over 10 times longer than incandescent light bulbs, reducing replacement costs
Energy-Efficient Showerheads
- High pressure with a pulsating massage feature
Kitchen Faucet Aerators
- Use less water than traditional faucets
- Feature flow control for no loss of water pressure
Bathroom Faucet Aerators
- Use less water than traditional faucets, lowering utility, water and sewer bills
- Feature flow control for no loss of water pressure
LED Exit Sign Retrofits
- Improve visibility and efficiency
- Last over 10 times longer than incandescent-lit signs
Did You Know?
Pouring cooled fats, oils and grease (FOG) into a sealable container and putting it in the trash or taking used oil to a recycling center can help prevent costly sewer backups.
Turning off printers, copiers, coffee machines and other equipment at end of day saves energy.
Only pee, poo and toilet paper should be flushed. Everything else should be thrown in the trash.