Electric Rebates#
Ready to make a change but not sure where to start? Learn more by clicking here.
Cash Rebates for Energy-Saving Improvements
This program is designed to support building efficiency improvements, save money and lower electric bills. Cash rebates are provided for upgrades that reduce electric demand and energy use, including:
- Lighting
- Motor variable frequency drives
- Mechanical equipment
- Building envelope (windows, insulation and roofing)
- Kitchen, laundry and grocery equipment
- Office equipment/IT
- Custom projects for efficiency upgrades to your facility and operations (e.g., compressed air systems and process improvements)
- Commercial appliances
- Total incentives are limited to 100% of a project total upgrade cost.
- Pre-approval is required for:
- All projects with rebates over $10,000
- All new construction projects
- All VFD projects
- All custom projects
Have Questions?#
Contact David Suckling at dsuckling@fcgov.com, 970-416-4251 or V/TDD 711.
Did You Know?
There are many ways to pay your bill, including online, in-person and by phone.
Changing your hot tub setting to "economy mode" can save energy and money.
Turning off printers, copiers, coffee machines and other equipment at end of day saves energy.