Commercial Water Savings#
Save your business, HOA or multifamily complex water and money with our rebates and programs.
Not sure where to start? Send us an email, and our experts will help you figure out a plan tailored to your needs.
Indoor Water Savings#
Receive rebates for installing clothes washers, commercial kitchen appliances, restroom fixtures, and more.
Free Indoor Water Assessment
Learn the most cost-effective ways to reduce water use while maintaining or improving the quality of your facility. Provided by Northern Water and Brendle Group.
Outdoor Water Savings#
Irrigation Rebates
Rebates on new, qualified, water-saving irrigation equipment for our commercial and HOA water customers.
Sprinkler Evaluations
Save water and money by getting the most from your sprinkler system.
Xeriscape Incentive Program (XIP)
Receive a rebate for replacing grass with an eligible low-water landscape.
Do Conservation and Efficiency Programs like these Work?#
To help reach water conservation goals established in the Water Efficiency Plan, we offer education, rebates and incentives for our customers. As a result, average water use is down 22% since 2001.
View the latest Water Conservation Annual Report to learn more.
Did You Know?
Lowering the water-heater temperature to the lowest comfortable setting saves money.
Sprinkler systems can be designed, installed and operated with water-efficiency in mind.
You can reduce ‘vampire’ power waste by unplugging electronics that are not in use or plugging them into a smart power strip.