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Coincident Peak#

Each month, there is one hour when the most electric demand is requested from Platte River Power Authority, Fort Collins Utilities' wholesale electric supplier. This is known as the peak hour. Coincident peak is the facility's electric demand, or rate of energy use, during the peak hour.

For customers with rate codes in the E300 or E400 series, coincident peak charges typically account for 23% of their electric bill—yet are based on only 12 hours per year (the peak hour of each month).

When It Occurs

The peak hour typically occurs on weekdays during the afternoon or evening, depending on the season of the year.

  • June - September:
    mid-to-late afternoon on a very hot day
  • November - March:
    early evening on a very cold day
  • April, May, and October:
    early afternoon on a very warm day or early evening on a very cold day
Plot showing the time of day and time of year of historical coincident peaks

The number in each box reflects how many times the peak occurred in the indicated hour.

Learn how to reduce your coincident peak charges with load management.

Fort Collins Utilities offers programs, incentives and tips to help businesses conserve.

Did You Know?

Planting shade trees to block unwanted summer sun is a good, long-term approach if you plan to be in your home for many years. 

Maintaining your cooling equipment ensures it is running efficiently. 

Installing high-efficiency refrigeration equipment at your business, such as zero-energy doors and anti-sweat heater controls (rebates available), can save money.