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GS 750 Net Metering Rates#

Consumption of energy for net metering customers will be measured on a monthly basis and billed at the applicable seasonal rate. Excess energy produced and delivered to the utility will be credited based on the Net Metering Credits table at the bottom of the page.

E-400* (GS-750) Monthly Electric Rates
includes PILOT - payment in lieu of taxes 
Electric Energy  
Fixed Charge, per account
Additional charge for metering each additional metering point
Energy Charge  
Summer (Jun-Sept)
4.37¢ per kWh  
Non-Summer (Oct-May)
4.37¢ per kWh  
Facility Demand Charge  
First 750 kW of Facility Demand, per kW
$11.75 per kW  
All additional kW of Facility Demand, per kW
$6.94 per kW  
Coincident Peak Demand Charge  
Summer (Jun-Sept)
$14.73 per kW  
Non-Summer (Oct-May)
$11.55 per kW  
Actual rates charged may vary slightly due to rounding.

E400-E420+ are the rate codes printed on the monthly bill.  Rate codes may also begin with the letter A or B for service in annexed areas where additional Rural Electric Association (REA) service rights fees apply.  Fees equal to 5% are added to A rates and 25% service rights fees are added to B rates.

Prices effective January 2022.

Check out our printable rates sheet for more information.

Net Metering Credits
Energy credit 4.13¢

Fort Collins Municipal Code Sec. 26-469.

Did You Know?

Watering only when grass turns a dull, grey-green color and footprints remain helps save water and money. 

When it rains and as snow melts, runoff carries pollutants such as oil, antifreeze and gas down storm drains, contaminating our rivers, streams and lakes. Don't drip and drive.

Only pee, poo and toilet paper should be flushed. Everything else should be thrown in the trash.