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Commercial Water Rates#

  • Electric: 6.5% average increase due to higher generation costs and grid upgrades to add resiliency and transition to our energy future.
  • Water: 7% increase to help fund capital projects like pipe and meter replacements.
  • Wastewater: 6% increase to help fund capital projects like improvements at the Drake Water Reclamation Facility and collection system replacement.
  • Stormwater: 6% increase to help fund capital projects like the Oak Street Outfall and stream rehabilitation.

More Details from Council First Reading

  • Electric: 5% average increase due to higher generation costs associated with new, renewable resources and capital projects like transformer and cable replacements.
  • Water: 4% increase to help fund capital investments like pipe and meter replacements.
  • Wastewater: 4% increase to help fund capital investments like improvements at the Drake Water Reclamation Facility and collection system replacement.
  • Stormwater: 3% increase to help fund capital projects like the Oak Street stormwater improvement project and stream rehabilitation.

More Details from Council Second Reading

  • Electric: 5% average increase due to a wholesale cost increase, costs related to distribution operation and maintenance and capital investment projects like transformer and streetlight replacements.
  • Water: 4% increase to help fund capital investments like pipe and meter replacements and the water treatment facility roof replacement.
  • Wastewater: 4% increase to help fund capital investments like improvements at the Drake Water Reclamation Facility and collection system replacement.
  • Stormwater: 3% increase to help fund capital investments like the Oak Street Outfall and stream rehabilitation

More Details from Council First Reading and Presentation

Commercial customers experience a seasonal increase in rates. The volume charge is 25% greater during the six lawn-watering months (May - October) than in the other months (November - April).

Current Rates#

Monthly Commercial Water Rates
(includes PILOT- payment in lieu of taxes)
Gallons Per Month Winter
3/4"Meter (Rate: W520)
Base Charge, per account $18.91
Volume Charge, per 1,000 gallons 0 - 100,000 $2.631 $3.298
> 100,000 $3.780 $4.728
1" Meter (Rate: W521)
Base Charge, per account $52.79
Volume Charge, per 1,000 gallons 0 - 300,000 $2.631 $3.298
> 300,000 $3.780 $4.728
1-1/2" Meter (Rate: W522)
Base Charge, per account $143.51
Volume Charge, per 1,000 gallons 0 - 625,000 $2.631 $3.298
> 625,000 $3.780 $4.728
2" Meter (Rate: W523)
Base Charge, per account $216.26
Volume Charge, per 1,000 gallons 0 - 1,200,000 $2.631 $3.298
> 1,200,000 $3.780 $4.728
3" Meter (Rate: W524)
Base Charge, per account $329.85
Volume Charge, per 1,000 gallons 0 - 1,400,000 $2.631 $3.298
> 1,400,000 $3.780 $4.728
4" Meter (Rate: W525)
Base Charge, per account $517.84
Volume Charge, per 1,000 gallons 0 - 2,500,000 $2.631 $3.298
> 2,500,000 $3.780 $4.728
6" Meter (Rate: W526)
Base Charge, per account $1,004.55
All gallons $2.631 $3.298
8" Meter (Rate: W527)
Base Charge, per account $1,774.60
All gallons $2.631 $3.298
See City Code 26-127 for High Volume Industrial Rate
(Average Daily Demand > 2 Million Gal)

Actual costs vary due to rounding.
Service charges may apply.

Prices effective January 2025.

Fort Collins Utilities offers programs, incentives and tips to help businesses conserve.

Did You Know?

Stormwater Master Planning helps protect people, property and the environment against flooding, erosion and water quality problems caused by runoff.

Opening windows on summer evenings brings in cool outdoor air.

Watering in the early morning or late evening when there's less wind reduces water loss.