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2015 Presenters and Exhibitors#

The Gardens on Spring Creek
The Gardens on Spring Creek is the community botanic garden of Fort Collins, Colorado. The Gardens welcomes visitors with inspiring displays of plants suited to Front Range growing conditions. Our mission: to improve the lives of people and foster environmental stewardship through horticulture.

City of Greeley
Industrial Pretreatment Program for the Water and Sewer Department for the
City of Greeley.

Poudre Fire Authority
The Poudre Fire Authority (PFA) is dedicated to the protection of lives, property and the quality of life for all of the citizens we serve. Our service area is approximately 235 square miles including the City of Fort Collins, the Town of Timnath and the communities of Laporte and Bellvue.

Mackenzie's Mission
Mackenzie's Mission believes no child should die or suffer brain injury as a result of drowning. Every day we provide water safety and life jacket education because drowning is preventable.

Rocky Mountain Flycasters / Trout Unlimited
Rocky Mountain Flycasters is the Fort Collins chapter of Trout Unlimited. Our mission is to protect, conserve and restore Colorado's cold-water fisheries and their watersheds.

Colorado Water Conservation Board
The CWCB is a state agency within the Department of Natural Resources. The CWCB provides policy direction on water issues. Our mission is to "Conserve, Develop, Protect and Manage Colorado's Water for Present and Future Generations."

Audubon Rockies
Our mission is to be a strong, unified voice for an ethic of conservation in the Rocky Mountains, focusing on birds, other wildlife and their habitats, for the benefit of present and future generations. We connect people with nature through education and conservation programs, to protect wildlife and wild lands.

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory
RMBO is a Colorado-based nonprofit organization founded in 1988. The mission of our organization is to conserve birds and their habitats. RMBO's biologists, educators and natural resource managers work on solutions for bird and habitat conservation through a full-circle approach of Science, Education and Stewardship.

Headwaters Realty
Headwaters Realty was founded with dual missions of using our specialized knowledge and technology to surpass expectations of our clients and giving back to the community.

Poudre River Public Library District
Public library with three locations in Fort Collins: Old Town Library, Harmony Library and Council Tree Library.

Platte River Power Authority
Platte River Power Authority delivers safe, reliable, environmentally responsible and competitively priced electricity and services to its owner municipalities of Estes Park, Fort Collins, Longmont and Loveland, Colorado for delivery to their utility customers.

Red Feather Lakes Library
At Red Feather Mountain Library District, People Come First. We meet community interests by enhancing the individual experience through the printed, spoken and visual word; through programming, lifetime learning, literacy and early childhood skills. We are a social and cultural gathering place and a community good neighbor.

Graduate Women in Science
We are a local chapter of Sigma Delta Epsilon - Graduate Women in Science, a national organization committed to advancing women in science at all levels.

West Greeley Conservation District
The WGCD is a leader in natural resources education and outreach. The WGCD is the primary provider of natural resources information and service to the citizens and stakeholders of the WGCD.

Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere CIRA is a NOAA Cooperative Institute that is also a research department within CSU's College of Engineering, in partnership with the Department of Atmospheric Science. CIRA conducts research into the atmospheric sciences, and assists NOAA, CSU and the nation through the application of our research to areas of societal benefit.

Northern Water
The Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District and its Municipal Subdistrict provide water to Northeastern Colorado from the Colorado-Big Thompson and Windy Gap projects.

ICON Engineering, Inc. Our areas of service include nearly all aspects of civil engineering. We have widely respected capabilities in both public and private sector infrastructure planning, design and construction management. We are perhaps best known for our expertise in water resources, with primary emphasis in drainage, flood control design and floodplain mapping activities.

Water Resources Archive The Colorado State University Water Resources Archive is a joint effort of the University Libraries and the Colorado Water Institute. The Archive consists of collections from individuals and organizations that have been instrumental in the development of water resources in Colorado and the West.

Poudre Landmarks Foundation
The PLF administers and interprets two historic properties owned by the city, the Avery House and the 1882-1883 Water Works.

Colorado Foundation for Agriculture
The Colorado Foundation for Agriculture is responsible for Colorado's Ag in the Classroom programs. It provides resources to educators to use agriculture as a theme to teach academic subjects.

City of Fort Collins Natural Areas
The Natural Areas Department's mission is to conserve and enhance lands with existing or potential natural areas values. Conservation of natural habitats and features is the highest priority.

Sustainable Living Association
The Sustainable Living Association's mission is to educate people and communities to make healthy sustainable choices. SLA has become well known for its annual educational event, the Sustainable Living Fair, the largest event of its kind in the Rocky Mountain region.

United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary provides recreational boating safety programs including how to buy the right life jacket, children and PWC's, vessel safety checks, boating safety classes for 13-year-olds and younger and many other safety on the water educational programs.

Colorado State Forest Service
The mission of the Colorado State Forest Service is to achieve stewardship of Colorado's diverse forest environments for the benefit of present and future generations. We are a service and outreach agency of the Warner College of Natural Resources at Colorado State University.

Spellbinders Oral Storytellers, Larimer County
Spellbinders® is dedicated to restoring the art of oral storytelling to connect elders to youth, weaving together the wisdom of diverse cultures throughout time.

Cache la Poudre River National Heritage Area
In 2009, Congress recognized the Cache la Poudre River as a National Heritage Area for its significant contribution to the development of Western water law and the evolution of complex water delivery systems. The "working Cache," is essential to the lives of over half a million people in the northern Colorado Front Range.

Larimer County Extension Office - 4-H: Science Out of School
The Larimer County Extension Office brings the knowledge and resources of Colorado State University to the community. Our 4-H: Science Out of School program offers children throughout Larimer County the opportunity for hands-on, STEM-based experiences in an engaging and fun-filled manner.

Larimer County Extension Office - 4-H: Science Out of School
The Larimer County Extension Office brings the knowledge and resources of Colorado State University to the community. Our 4-H: Science Out of School program offers children throughout Larimer County the opportunity for hands-on, STEM-based experiences in an engaging and fun-filled manner.

Larimer County Natural Resources
Natural Resources manages Larimer County's great outdoor places, including open spaces and magnificent water-based recreation areas, and fosters responsible land stewardship through weed management and healthy forest practices.

Larimer County Engineering

University of Northern Colorado - Biological Sciences

Fort Collins Utilities

Fort Collins Utilities Water Treatment Facility

Did You Know?

Financing home energy upgrades and solar is now easier than ever with the Epic Loan.

Oil and other toxic vehicle fluids end up in puddles where our kids and pets like to play. Don't drip and drive.

Replacing kitchen and bathroom faucet aerators with WaterSense-labeled models can help save water.