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Epic Homes: Attached Over/Under Upgrades#

Over/under homes are attached, stacked individual residences that share a ceiling or floor.

Use the tabs below to start your efficiency journey!

1. Verify eligibility

  • Program participant must be the owner and a Fort Collins Utilities residential electric customer.
    • One metered service account for the entire building (electric or water) must be in the owner’s name, and will be used as the master project number.
  • Each unit will be a sub-project, with rebates paid by the unit. Building must be more than one year old and singularly owned with the units rented.

2. Schedule your assessment

Fort Collins Utilities partners with Efficiency Works™ to offer home energy assessments for our customers. Sign up for a $60 Epic Homes assessment through Efficiency Works™ Homes by enrolling online or calling 877-981-1888.

*Assessment fees are waived for rental properties for a limited time.

*If you're planning Heat Pump upgrades, an assessment is not required.

Schedule an Assessment with Efficiency Works

3. Complete upgrades using a qualified service provider

To qualify for rebates, you must hire an approved service provider.

Find a Service Provider

4. Get your rebate(s)

After upgrades are completed in each unit, your service provider will submit a rebate application on your behalf.

5. Claim Your Epic Certificate
Following the completion of upgrades, Epic Homes will invite you to claim your Epic Certificate. This documents your efficiency improvements and solar projects.

Learn More

Epic Loan

Fort Collins Utilities offers easy, low interest rate financing options for upgrades on home and rental properties with no money down and terms up to 15 years. Simply pay for the upgrades on your monthly utility bill.

  • For over/under attached unit project loans, loan customer must be the building owner and have at least one meted utility in their name for the loan to be attached to, water and/or electric.

Learn More About Loans

Epic Homes for Rentals - Landlord and Property Manager Resources

Epic Homes can help keep your rental competitive in the market, increase tenant comfort and retention and maintain your investment.

Learn More

Renter Resources

Even if you do not own you home, you can make it more comfortable and efficient.

Renter Information


Contact or 970-416-4239.

Did You Know?

Even small projects like planting a shrub require you to plan before digging. Know what’s below. Call 811 before you dig.

Rebates are available for 1.1 gallons per flush, WaterSense-labeled toilets.

You can prevent clogs and expensive repairs by only flushing the three Ps: pee, poo and toilet paper.