Epic Homes: Single-Family Upgrades#
Single-family homes are detached residences.
Use the tabs below to start your efficiency journey!
1. Verify eligibility
- Must be a Fort Collins Utilities residential electric customer.
- Own and/or occupy a single-family detached home that is more than one year old.
- Complete an Epic Homes assessment through Efficiency Works™ Homes prior to making improvements that qualify for rebates.
2. Schedule your energy assessment
Fort Collins Utilities partners with Efficiency Works™ to offer home energy assessments for our customers. Sign up for a $60 Epic Homes assessment through Efficiency Works™ Homes by enrolling online or calling 877-981-1888.
*Assessment fees are waived for rental properties for a limited time.
*If you're planning Heat Pump upgrades, an assessment is not required.
3. Complete upgrades using a qualified service provider
To qualify for rebates, you must hire an approved service provider.
4. Get your rebate(s)
Following upgrades, your service provider will submit a rebate application on your behalf.
Available rebates:
- Heat Pumps*If you're planning Heat Pump upgrades, an assessment is not required
- Insulation and air sealing
- Windows and doors
5. Claim Your Epic Certificate
Following the completion of upgrades, Epic Homes will invite you to claim your Epic Certificate, which documents your efficiency improvements and solar projects.
Epic Loan
Fort Collins Utilities offers easy, low interest rate financing options for upgrades on home and rental properties with no money down and terms up to 15 years. Simply pay for the upgrades on your monthly utility bill.
- Loan customer must be the owner and have at least one metered utility in their name: water and/or electric.
Epic Homes Indoor Air Quality Study
In partnership with Epic Homes, Colorado State University is conducting an indoor environmental quality (IEQ) study as it relates to efficiency upgrades. If you get a home assessment, you may be contacted to take part. The study is voluntary.
Epic Homes for Rentals - Landlord and Property Manager Resources
Epic Homes can help keep your rental competitive in the market, increase tenant comfort and retention and maintain your investment.
Buying or Selling a Home?
Epic Homes Real Estate Allies are trained and knowledgeable about all components of Epic Homes, especially the Epic Certificate and how to use it to sell homes. Real Estate Allies also know about City programs and incentives, so they can support clients better through the buying and selling process.
Renter Resources
Even if you do not own your home, you can make it more comfortable and efficient.
Contact epichomes@fcgov.com or 970-416-4239.
Did You Know?
Installing occupancy sensors where lights frequently are left on when no one is present can help save money and energy.
Bluegrass lawns generally require 1" or more of water per week, depending on the weather.
Turning off the faucet while shaving or brushing teeth saves water.