Poudre Canyon Raw Waterline Replacement at Gateway Natural Area#
Fort Collins Utilities replaced a section of a raw waterline that delivers water from the Poudre River to the Water Treatment Facility. Approximately 500 feet of replacement waterline was successfully installed beneath the river during winter 2023-24. The replacement waterline was successfully connected to the old waterline the following April, and the old waterline section was abandoned in place.
Restoration at the construction site is ongoing and will be monitored for native vegetation growth and erosion. The river was returned to pre-construction conditions by matching existing grading, terrain, and riverbank rock features. Other disturbed areas within the construction site were or will be reseeded, along with the planting of live willow stakes along the banks.
This waterline is part of Fort Collins’ Cache la Poudre River source water. Learn more about our water sources. Utilities is committed to delivering reliable, high-quality water to the community.
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