Raw Water Rental Program#
North Poudre Irrigation Company (NPIC) Rental Program Updates#
- Fort Collins Utilities will rent its available NPIC AG water supplies. Rentals will be administered by NPIC staff as was done in 2024.
- Multiple Use (MU) rental water may be available later in the season depending on allocation and City demands.
- Rental requests should be directed to NPIC at info@npicwater.com or 970-568-3612.
Water Supply and Storage Company (WSSC) Rental Program Updates#
- Fort Collins Utilities will rent a portion of its WSSC shares this year.
- Submit your WSSC rental request through the online form by clicking on the link below from Feb. 1-March 7, 2025.
- The Utilities’ WSSC share rental rate for 2025 is $4,420/share. This is 130% of the WSSC assessment rate of $3,400/share for the 2025 season.
- Available supplies will be allocated to successful requestors in a random number-generated lottery administered by Utilities.
Other 2025 Program Updates#
- No Colorado-Big Thompson (CBT) rentals
- No new leases for fully consumable supplies
Please refer to this website for updates.
Contact us at WaterRental@fcgov.com, 970-416-2409 or V/TDD 711.
Program Overview#
Utilities is a shareholder in several local ditch and reservoir companies and holds allotment contracts for the delivery of CBT water. After treated and raw water demands are met for our existing customers and raw water delivery obligations are fulfilled, there is typically surplus water that can be rented. This water is allocated through the annual Raw Water Rental Program.
The Utilities has four sources of rental water:
- North Poudre Irrigation Company (NPIC)
- Water Supply and Storage Company (WSSC)
- Colorado-Big Thompson (CBT)
- Fully consumable supplies
Small Acreage Irrigation Guide
Check out this guide from NRCS and CSU Extension that provides information about water rights and irrigation for small acreage landowners.
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