Fort Collins partners with Efficiency Works to provide rebates to our customers.#
Energy Rebates#
Rebates include:
- Smart thermostats for HVAC systems
- Air purifiers
- Induction ranges
- Night sky outdoor fixtures
- Heat pump water heaters
- Efficient electric heat pumps*
- Air sealing and insulation*
- ENERGY STAR certified windows and doors*
*Must be installed by a participating service provider.
Sign up for a free energy advising session to discuss options!
Some energy rebates require that you use a participating service provider to qualify.
Water Rebates#
Indoor and outdoor water rebates are available.
Indoor include:
- Clothes Washer
- Toilets
- Smart Home Water Monitors
- Showerheads
Outdoor include:
- Weather-based irrigation controller
- Rotary Nozzles
- Rain & Soil Moisture Sensors
- and more!
Submit your application today!#
Applications apply for post-purchase 'retail products' and must be submitted within 45 days of purchase. Please allow up to eight weeks for rebate processing. Funds are limited. Utilities reserves the right to verify equipment purchase and installation location for requested rebates.
If you need assistance with your online application, contact Efficiency Works at or 877-981-1888. If you need a paper application, contact
Did You Know?
Ensuring heating registers aren't blocked by furniture, carpet, drapes can help your heating system perform better.
Small leaks and drips add up. Don't drip and drive.
Mowing when it's cool reduces stress on the grass.