Home Efficiency Loan Program FAQs#
Q. Can I have more than one loan at a time?
A. No, you may only have one outstanding loan, but you may finance multiple projects in one loan.
Q. Can I use the loan for new construction?
A. No, funds may only be used for existing homes.
Q. I've already ordered a new furnace for my home. Can I get a loan to pay for it?
A. Loans are only for future projects, not ones that have already been started or completed. Work on a project funded by on-bill financing may only begin after the loan has been approved.
Q. Can I use the loan to complete more than one project?
A. Yes, a single loan may include more than one project. For example, you could borrow money to replace a furnace and install attic insulation, providing you do not exceed the maximum loan amount of $15,000.
Q. Am I required to do the most cost-effective energy improvements if I receive on-bill financing?
A. No. You can complete any improvement(s) that meet the loan requirements.
Q. Do I have to use the "low-bid" contractor?
A. No, but we encourage you to get multiple bids.
Q. Can I include the cost of the efficiency audit and building permit in my loan?
A. No, these costs may not be rolled into the loan amount.
Q. Where can I find all the details?
A. Complete details are in the product guideline (PDF 64KB) and at Energy Smart Partners.
Q. Why do I need to have an efficiency audit completed for an energy loan?
A. The audit is required so you can better understand how your home was built, identify defects in construction that may be causing excess energy use or comfort problems, and prioritize actions that will help you reach your efficiency goals. Audits also provide the participating contractors with critical information about the home's construction.
Q. Why do I have to use one of the participating contractors for energy loans?
A. These contractors have agreed to follow the rigorous installation standards required by the Home Efficiency Program, including third-party verification, and have received training specific to the standards and program requirements. Loans are not available for do-it-yourself projects.
Did You Know?
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Permanent "duct mastic" material – not duct tape – should be used for sealing attic ductwork and crawl spaces.
Washing machines are most efficient when fully loaded.