Rain Sensors#

When installed correctly, rain sensors automatically shut off your automatic sprinkler system when it rains. When the sensor dries, the sprinkler controller resumes regular operation.
- Conserves water -- prevents watering during and after rain events (until sensor dries)
- Saves money
- Less watering means less water you have pay for on your utility bill
- A sensor reduces wear on the irrigation system because the system runs only when nature isn't doing the watering for you
- Helps protect rivers and other bodies of water by reducing runoff and deep percolation that can carry pollutants, such as oils and fertilizers, into storm drains and groundwater

- A rain sensor should be mounted where it will be exposed to unobstructed rainfall.
- In the event of extensive or heavy rainfall; use the rain delay function or turn off controller — the rain sensor won't know how much rain fell and as soon as it dries it will resume your regular watering schedule. If a lot of rain fell, you don't need to water for at least a few extra days.
- How to install on newer controllers, a discussion of common problems and how to assure the device is working correctly: video
- How to install on older controller models: video
Save even more money. Rebates on eligible rain sensors are available to Utilities water customers.
Did You Know?
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