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XIP for Residential and Commercial Customers#

Residential and commercial water customers can receive a rebate for replacing grass with an eligible low-water landscape. Projects must be approved prior to installation. 

Residential customers (homes and rental properties) can receive $0.75/square foot up to 1,000 square feet, or up to $750, per approved project, per address. Rebates are first come, first served while funds are available

*Native Bonus Rebate: additional $0.25/square foot rebate up to 1,000 square feet or up to $1,000 total for planting a minimum of 80% plants native to Colorado. Requires 50% plant coverage at maturity in the renovation area.

Xeriscape Resources

Step 1: To complete the application, please complete the following:

  • Irrigation Plan (only for customers who have an irrigation system or plan to install one) – Template and Example

  • Watering Plan – Template 

  • Plant List – Template
  • Two color “before photos.”  
    • Must show green grass (or new construction) in last 12 months 
    • Include a wide view of the property and (grass) area(s) proposed for renovation

Complete the Residential XIP Application

* If you are applying with a rental property or live in a mobile home community, please contact for an alternative application.

Step 2: Schedule Customer Meeting

Before you submit your application, you will be asked to schedule your Customer Meeting. Customer Meetings are required before beginning turf removal project. These meetings are a time for staff to review design packages, go over program requirements and answer questions about your project.

Step 3: Install Landscape

Following application approval, you will have one year to complete your project. 

Step 4: Project Inspection and Submission of Final Paperwork

Once approved project is complete, schedule inspection here. 

Final paperwork must be submitted prior to or at inspection and includes:

  • Final Rebate Application Form: Digital form filled out at inspection that requires total project cost and signature.
  • Soil amendment certificate: This notarized form certifying that you amended your soil is only required if you physically remove grass and replace it with new plant material. Forms can be notarized at a bank or courthouse.
    • City code requires residents to amend their soil when grass is physically removed and replaced with new plant material by adding 3 cubic yards/1000 square feet in planted areas. Plant-based compost is recommended. Soil amendment is any material added to the soil to improve its physical properties, such as water retention, permeability, water infiltration, drainage, aeration and structure. The goal is to provide a better environment for roots. 
  • W9 Form: Water rebates over $600 are considered taxable income. Participants who receive more than $600 of water rebates throughout the year will be sent a 1099 form for the tax year the rebate was received. Paper W9 forms will be provided and completed at inspection in order to receive a rebate.
  • Receipts: original or copies of project receipts must prove the project cost is equal to or greater than the rebate. If providing an invoice from a contractor, proof of payment must be provided as well. XIP rebate cannot exceed project cost, minus taxes, and receipts must clearly show the date of purchase and total cost of items.
  • A list of expenses that includes date of purchase, amount spent on your XIP project, and the store purchase was made at for each receipt.

Step 5: Receive rebate as a check after inspection.

Please note that XIP rebates are funded by a grant from the state and may take a few months to process due to increased documentation needs and approvals.

Commercial customers can receive $1.50 per square foot of area converted up to $15,000 per project. 

Eligible participants include: 
HOAs, multi-family complexes, businesses, faith-based organizations, schools, parks, government entities and other commercial customers. 

Review Commercial Terms and Conditions 

Before applying, schedule a site visit to discuss project ideas with staff. (Optional) 

Xeriscape Resources

Step 1: Receive Minor Amendment Approval

Projects must go through Minor Amendment and be approved before applying for the Xeriscape Incentive Program.  

  • If your property falls within City limits, any change that results in a modification to the site plan on file with the City will require a Minor Amendment prior to any work being completed.
  • If you are only making changes to the parkway landscape, your project will require a Parkway Amendment Application. Click here to view the free Parkway Amendment Application. 

Step 2: Complete Commercial Application

After Minor Amendment approval, complete a commercial program application. To complete the application, you will need:  

  • Fort Collins Utilities account number– only Fort Collins Utilities water customers may apply 
  • Minor Amendment approval letter  
  • Landscape Plan, Plant List and Irrigation Plan (These can be the same documents you used for the Minor Amendment application.) 
  • Establishment and Long-term Management Plans (if switching to native/other low-water turf)
  • Two before photos 
    • Must show green grass (or new construction) in the last 12 months
    • Include a wide view of the property and (grass) area(s) proposed for renovation 

Complete Commercial Application

Step 3: Schedule Customer Meeting 

Once you submit your application, you will receive a link to schedule a Customer Meeting. Customer Meetings are required before beginning your turf removal project. These meetings are a time to discuss your customer agreement, go over program requirements and answer questions. 

Step 3: Install Landscape 

Following Xeriscape Incentive Program approval, you will have two years to complete your project. 

Step 4: Final Paperwork and Project Inspection 

Once the approved project is complete, schedule an inspection here. All expense documentation, including dated invoices, receipts and proof of payment must be submitted in ZoomGrants to receive payment. 

Step 5: Receive rebate through direct deposit or check in 8 weeks after submitting expense documentation. 

If you are making changes to the parkway landscape, your project will require a Parkway Amendment Application. Click here to view the free Parkway Amendment Application. 

Items to keep in mind

  • There must be 50% live plant ground coverage at plant maturity (tree canopies do not count toward the calculation) 

  • Ground cover, if rock mulch, should be of appropriate size to be an adequate planting bed and should not be large rocks that would possibly pose a tripping hazard for pedestrians crossing the parkway (approximately no larger than 2”) 

  • Boulders if used should not be taller than 1 foot in height 

  • Install landscaping and xeriscaping features such that no excess mulch, stone, etc. will spill onto the sidewalk or into the road. 

  • Ensure that none of the proposed plants are taller than 3 feet in mature height, as tall plants in the parkway can block or obscure vehicle sight distances, especially near intersections. 

  • When installing plant materials in close proximity (within the dripline) to existing trees, hand dig planting holes in order to avoid root damage. To protect the existing trees on-site, place all boulders at least 5 feet away from the tree trunks.  
  • Install organic mulch ring around all trees 3’ to 4’ wide and 4” deep. 

  • Any changes to the irrigation need to be adequate for the new plantings, and if proposing to change the irrigation for any existing street tree, first confirm with Forestry that the changes are adequate to meet the water needs of the tree. Parkway and Minor Amendments may require a tree inventory. Contact for more information.  

  • Review Tree Protection Notes 

This grant is currently not accepting applications. If you are interested in the grant, please contact

Step 1: To complete the application, please complete the following:

Step 2: Schedule Project Meeting

If your project is selected, the project leads will receive an email from to schedule a meeting with City staff. You must schedule a meeting with City staff after receiving the email.

Step 3: Project Contract, Grant Payment & Install Landscape

The organization will sign a project contract if your project is selected for the grant. You will have two years to complete the project. Once the contract is signed, the City will pay the grantee 80% of their grant award within 56 days. 

Step 4: Project Inspection and Submission of Final Paperwork

Once the approved project is complete, schedule an inspection by emailing  

Final paperwork must be submitted prior to or at inspection and includes:

  • Final Rebate Application Form: Digital form filled out by City staff at inspection that requires total project cost and signature.

  • Soil amendment certificate: This notarized form certifying that you amended your soil is only required if you physically remove grass and replace it with new plant material. Forms can be notarized at a bank or courthouse.
    • City code requires residents to amend their soil when grass is physically removed and replaced with new plant material by adding 3 cubic yards/1000 square feet in planted areas. Plant-based compost is recommended. Soil amendment is any material added to the soil to improve its physical properties, such as water retention, permeability, water infiltration, drainage, aeration and structure. The goal is to provide a better environment for roots. 

  • W9 Form: Water rebates over $600 are considered taxable income. Participants who receive more than $600 of water rebates throughout the year will be sent a 1099 form for the tax year the rebate was received. Paper W9 forms will be provided and completed at inspection in order to receive a rebate.

  • Receipts: original or copies of project receipts must prove the project cost is equal to or greater than the rebate. If providing an invoice from a contractor, proof of payment must be provided as well. XIP grant cannot exceed project cost and receipts must clearly show the date of purchase and total cost of items.

Step 5: Receive final grant payment as a check or direct deposit after inspection.

When the project has been inspected and all documentation has been received, the City will pay the grantee the remaining grant funds that they are eligible for based on project receipts.

Did You Know?

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