Questions about the Riverside Community Solar Project? Please email
Fort Collins Community Solar#
The Community Solar program offers customers, who want to produce renewable energy, the option to own a portion of a solar photovoltaic array, even if they don’t have the space or ability to install it. Community Solar participants receive credits on their energy bill for power the Riverside Community Solar Project generates.
In 2015, Fort Collins Utilities and Clean Energy Collective developed the Riverside Community Solar Project, located on the northwest corner of Mulberry Street and Riverside Avenue. Utilities acquired Clean Energy Collective’s assets in the Riverside Community Solar Project Aug. 28, 2020. Utilities continues to credit customer bills according to the current Community Solar Time-of-Day pricing. Since the transfer, Utilities has provided all customer service, and operations and maintenance of the array.
The program is currently fully subscribed. If you would like to buy solar panels in the Riverside Community Solar Project that may become available in the future, please notify us by filling out the form below.
Community Solar Participant Information#
Click on the button below to view project updates, FAQs and more.
Ownership Transfer of the Riverside Community Solar Project#
Utilities acquired Clean Energy Collective’s assets in the Riverside Community Solar Project on Aug. 28, 2020. Utilities continues to credit customer bills according to the current Community Solar Time-of-Day pricing. Utilities now provides all customer service, operations, and maintenance of the array.
See the Continuing Customer Agreement, as well as the Riverside Community Solar Program Rules for details.
Riverside Energy Generation and Credits#
The chart below shows net energy produced from the Riverside Community Solar Project and the monthly credits earned for that energy.
Riverside Solar Array Current Billing Data
- Retrieving Data
Solar Generation Calculator
Enter the number of panels you own in the array to estimate your generation and credit for the current billing period. To see a summary of historical data up to the present, change the month and year selection. The Riverside Solar Array began producing energy in August of 2015.
Note: All values are approximate and may not agree with historic bill creditsApproximate Cumulative Ownership Share since based on panels
Percent of Array Owned:
Personalized Monthly Generation and Credit
Other Renewable Energy Opportunities#
Customers also can choose to receive up to 100% renewable electricity through the Green Energy Program. The Green Energy Program added more local solar to the resource mix in 2021.
Did You Know?
Closing curtains and shades during the summer helps keep your home cooler.
You can save money by shifting your electric use to the lower-priced, off-peak hours or by reducing your overall use.
Installing cooking vent hood controls with VFD fans and sensors (rebates available) at your business can help save energy and money.