Parallel Generation#
Generate On-site Electricity
Parallel generation refers to the production of electricity directly by consumers rather than purchasing it from an electric utility. If you generate electricity parallel to Fort Collins Utilities' grid with Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), including microhydro, wind, biomass, geothermal, or cogen, follow these steps:
1. Before Purchasing Equipment
- Review Fort Collins' Interconnection Standards.
- Communicate with Utilities staff early to review your plans by submitting a Commercial Feasibility Application through PowerClerk. If you don't have a PowerClerk account yet, you can request one here.
- Once your feasibility application has been reviewed, PowerClerk will invite you to submit a full project application. Contact your contractor and/or equipment manufacturer for assistance with information required in the application.
- Check out information on Utilities' solar rebates, if applicable.
2. Sign Contractual Agreement
Utilities will develop an agreement to provide credit for the electricity you generate and address standby and other charges.
3. Purchase Equipment and Install System
Wait until the application is approved and contractual agreement is signed.
4. Request Inspection from Fort Collins Utilities
This requirement is in addition to inspections by Fort Collins Building and Zoning.
- To schedule an inspection, request Utilities’ final inspection and final testing via PowerClerk.
- If system fails inspection, complete required changes and request re-inspection via PowerClerk.
- When system passes, receive Permit to Operate from Utilities.
5. Operate System and Receive Bill Credits
Did You Know?
Fats, oils and grease can clog the pipes in your home and the City’s wastewater system. Don’t put them down the drain. Toss them instead.
Using a microwave oven for warming, reheating or cooking food uses less energy than an electric oven.
Setting your air conditioner's temperature higher and using portable fans or ceiling fans helps keep your house cool while saving energy.