Flood Safety#
Exercise caution near rivers and streams
- Conditions can change very quickly - recreational activities are not advised, due to swift current, cold temperatures, flooded vegetation and the presence of a significant amount of debris.
- Follow all trail closure signage and recommended safety guidelines. Click here for trail closure information.
- Banks may be unstable due to erosion.
- If caught in fast-moving water, float feet first in a half-sit position.
- If someone else is caught, reach out or throw a rope. Do not go into the water yourself.
Avoid flood waters
- Use caution when driving. Cars or other vehicles do not provide adequate protection from floodwaters.
- DO NOT drive through floodwaters.
- Swiftly moving shallow water can be deadly. Floodwaters typically move much faster than it appears and can carry large, dangerous debris.
Report blocked drains
- Please call 970-221-6700 to report blocked stormwater drains.
More information
- Flood Warning System: Real time information on rainfall, stormwater runoff and weather conditions.
- Weather.gov: Monitor weather changes.
- NOCO Alerts: Sign up for Larimer County's Emergency Alert System. We can't warn you, if we can't reach you.
- Floodplain Maps & Documents: View Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and City floodplain maps to determine if your property is in a floodplain.
- Fort Collins Utilities Stormwater: Information about flood protection, drainage basins and stormwater quality.
- Healthy Homes: Information about mold mitigation and cleanup tips following a flood.
Did You Know?
Information about business-related programs and rebates regularly goes out in the Keep Current e-newsletter.
There are many ways to pay your bill, including online, in-person and by phone.
Changing your hot tub setting to "economy mode" can save energy and money.