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The Smart Water System Program is completed!#

This was a pilot program during the summer of 2018 and 2019 in partnership with Rachio. The goal was to see if the Rachio 3 Smart Irrigation Controller and Wireless Flow Meter was of interest to our customers and if this technology helped save water. The system is easily monitored from your smartphone and has technology that alerts you and shuts off the zone when it detects a leak or a break.  During the program, eligible customers received the complete Rachio Smart Water System for only the price of professional install.  Our Water Conservation team is currently analyzing water use patterns and customer feedback to evaluate the success of the pilot program. 

Customers can still receive a rebate on Rachio Controllers and Wireless Flow Meters through our traditional residential sprinkler equipment rebates program. 

Learn more about sprinkler rebates

Rachio 3 Smart Irrigation Controller

Rachio 3 Smart Irrigation Controller

Rachio Logo

Rachio Wireless Flow Meter

Rachio Wireless Flow Meter

Did You Know?

The Efficiency Works store sells water- and energy-saving products, including LED lighting, smart thermostats and showerheads.

Pre-heating your home before 5 p.m. in the winter and coasting through the on-peak hours can save money on your utility bill.

We operate a flood warning system that monitors real-time rainfall information.