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Fort Collins Utilities Community Sponsorships#

Neighbor To Neighbor 50th Birthday Benefit Photo

event attendees looking closely at display

Pooch Plunge Photo

Fort Collins Utilities provides in-kind and cash sponsorship opportunities up to $1,500 for non-profit and government organizations supporting the Fort Collins community.

Apply Now This link opens in a new browser tab

To be considered, the sponsorship opportunity must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Be hosted by and benefit a 501(c)(3), educational or governmental organization.

  2. Directly benefit community members in the Fort Collins Growth Management Area (GMA).

  3. Include an educational component about services provided or community need(s) met by the sponsored organization.

  4. Align with one or more of the following specific Fort Collins Utilities priorities:
    • Energy priorities
      • Energy efficiency
      • Renewable energy
      • Distributed energy resources
      • Beneficial electrification
      • Electric safety
    • Water priorities
      • Water conservation
      • Drinking water quality
      • River health
      • Watershed recovery
    • Stormwater priorities
      • Stormwater quality
      • Low impact development
      • Flood awareness
      • Flood mitigation
      • Post-wildfire flooding
    • Education priorities
      • Climate action (related to Utilities services)
      • STEM education
      • Careers in Utilities and STEM
      • Use of art to promote Utilities and STEM
      • Digital and technological literacy
    • Equity priorities
      • Utility affordability
      • Digital access and inclusion

  5. Submit the sponsorship application in accordance with the schedule on the following 'Application Process' tab.
Date of Opportunity Apply By

April 1-June 30

Feb. 28

July 1-Sept. 30

May 31

Oct. 1-Dec. 31

Aug. 31

Jan. 1-March 31

Nov. 30


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  • There is no option to save the form part-way through. We recommend you review and prepare answers to the application questions in advance of the online application to avoid losing your work.
  • All applications must be submitted through the online portal. Emailed submissions will not be accepted. 
  • Applications will be reviewed four times per year, immediately following the "apply by" date. 
  • Award notification will be sent within 21 days of the "apply by" date. Communications will come from

Apply Now This link opens in a new browser tab

I don’t believe we meet the requirements for a Utilities sponsorship. Where else could I request funding from the City? 

  • Education transportation funding: Fort Collins Utilities offers funding to subsidize the cost of transportation for school and community youth groups traveling to Utilities-hosted programs. 
  • Fort Fund: Fort Fund grants support arts and cultural events that enrich the creative vitality of the community, promote local heritage and diversity, and provide opportunities for arts and cultural participation. 

Can I save the application and complete it later?

There is no option to save the form part-way through. Here's a list of the questions if you'd like to prepare your answers beforehand. Once you're ready to apply, click the button below to go to the application. 

Apply Now This link opens in a new browser tab

What types of sponsorship are offered? 

There are multiple ways we may be able to sponsor your organization, including: 

  • An expert to speak, educate or otherwise contribute to your initiative
  • Small giveaways (high quantity of $1-$5 items) 
  • Door prizes (medium quantity of $10-$20 items) 
  • Silent auction items (low quantity of $25-$50 items)  
  • Cash (up to $1,500) 

What if I need technical support? 

Email or call 970-221-6847 for technical support.

Did You Know?

You can reduce ‘vampire’ power waste by unplugging electronics that are not in use or plugging them into a smart power strip.

There are many ways to pay your bill, including online, in-person and by phone.

Rebates are available for 1.1 gallons per flush, WaterSense-labeled toilets.