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Upper Cooper Slough Drainage Basin#

Basin Overview#

Outline of the Upper Cooper Slough Drainage Basin

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The Upper Cooper Slough Basin is a tributary to Boxelder Creek and Lower Cooper Slough. It encompasses 26 square-miles and extends north from the Larimer and Weld Canal and west of Interstate 25. Most of the basin is currently farmland except for the Anheuser-Busch brewery site. The southern portion of the basin within the City of Fort Collins Growth Management Area is experiencing rapid urbanization, especially with housing developments.

Stormwater within this basin flows generally from north to south, with runoff ultimately being captured by the Larimer and Weld Canal. During large storm events, runoff spills into Lower Cooper Slough from the Larimer and Weld Canal. 

Located on the west side of the basin, the No. 8 Ditch runs north to south and is a primary conveyance of stormwater to the Larimer and Weld Canal. When the canal exceeds capacity, stormwater spills out of the ditch to the southeast combining with runoff from the north, often overtopping the Colorado and Southern Railroad and into the Larimer and Weld Canal.

Basin Stormwater Master Planning#

The original stormwater master plan for the Upper Cooper Slough Basin was prepared in 1981 as part of the Boxelder/Cooper Slough watershed. Since then, there have been several updates to the plan and a comprehensive update to the basin Selected Plan of Improvements is currently underway in 2020. 

Learn More about Upper Cooper Slough Master Planning

Explore the Upper Cooper Slough Basin#

Farmland west of Anheuser-Busch Plant

Farmland west of Anheuser-Busch Plant

No.8 Ditch near Richards Lake Road

No.8 Ditch near Richards Lake Road

Did You Know?

Lowering the thermostat temperature on winter nights and when no one is home can save money and energy.

After a rain, skipping watering until the grass dries will save not only water, but also money. 

Using an ENERGY STAR® programmable thermostat or wifi thermostat can help you better control your home's comfort and utility costs.