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Water Treatment Awards and Certifications#

Partnership for Safe Water#

Partnership for Safe Water Logo

The water treatment facility has received the President's Award from the Partnership for Safe Water. This award is bestowed upon top-tier water plants that have demonstrated commitment to providing superior quality water to their customers, beyond the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. 

Environmental Leadership Program#

Environmental Leadership Program Gold Leader Logo

The Water Treatment Facility also is a Gold Leader in the Environmental Leadership Program, which recognizes drinking water facilities that go beyond compliance with state and federal regulations and are committed to continual environmental improvement.

Environmental Management System#

Environmental Management System Logo

In accordance with the City Environmental Policy, the Water Treatment Facility implements an Environmental Management System to ensure we continue to meet and exceed our regulatory requirements, prevent pollution in all aspects of our operations and foster a culture of continuous improvement related to environmental performance. Our system is certified to comply with the ISO 14001:2015 standard. To learn more about our program or provide comments, contact

Best Tasting Water#

2019 Award Winners

Pictured left to right: 3rd Place City of Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities, Wyoming (Dena Egenhoff), 2nd place Aurora Water (Ralph Liedholdt), 1st place City of Fort Collins (Gregg Stonecipher) and RMSAWWA Taste Testing Chair (Aaron Benko).

Fort Collins Utilities won the “Best of the Rocky Mountain Section” water at the 2019 annual conference of the Rocky Mountain Section of the American Water Works Association (RMSAWWA). 

In 2020, Fort Collins Utilities came in second in the AWWA's "Best of the Best" Water Taste Test.

Did You Know?

Visual indicators of algal blooms in waterbodies often include: surface scum, foam, floating algae mats, off-colors and/or the presence of dead fish.

Off-peak Time-of-Day prices are approximately 70% less than on-peak prices.

Every 2 degrees higher you set your air conditioner can save up to 14% on cooling costs.