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West Vine Drainage Basin Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)#

Funding for CIPs in the West Vine Basin comes from stormwater utility fees collected by the City of Fort Collins for residents located within City limits, and by Larimer County for residents outside of City limits. Stormwater capital improvement projects are identified in the Basin Master Plan and are intended to help reduce flood risk flooding during a 100-year storm event. CIPs also provide an opportunity to incorporate parks, open space, trail systems, habitat enhancement and water quality improvements.

Large CIPs Completed to Date#

West Vine Outfall Channel#

Construction of the lower West Vine Outfall Channel was completed in the summer of 2014. The project extended from Vine Drive north to the confluence with the Poudre River, and was the first phase of the outfall channel identified in the Selected Plan of improvements identified in the 2002 Master Plan. The project constructed over 3,000 feet of open channel to convey 100-year flooding out of the lower West Vine Basin and into the Poudre River without impacting structures or private property.  

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Excavation of the new outfall channel north of Vine Drive and west of Shields.

Excavation of the new outfall channel north of Vine Drive and west of Shields.

Installation of new culverts under the abandoned Colorado and Southern Railroad embankment.

Installation of new culverts under the abandoned Colorado and Southern Railroad embankment.

View looking south at the lower West Vine Outfall Channel as it meets the Poudre River.

View looking south at the lower West Vine Outfall Channel as it meets the Poudre River.

Hollywood and Irish Detention Pond#

The Hollywood and Irish Stormwater Improvement Project was completed in the early 2000’s through Hazard Mitigation Grant Funding awarded to Larimer County.  Homes in the area of Hollywood and Irish streets experienced severe flooding and property damage from storms in 1992, 1997 and 1999.  The drainage improvements included construction of a regional detention pond, outfall channel and improvements to roadside ditches, which removed over 60 structures from the floodplain.

See below for images of the completed project. 

Hollywood Stormwater Improvements

Hollywood Stormwater Improvements

Hollywood Stormwater Improvements

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