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2016 Water, Sewer, Stormwater Infrastructure Improvements#

The annual pipe replacement program is coordinated with the Streets maintenance schedule for efficiency, cost effectiveness and reduced traffic and neighborhood impacts.

  • Jan. to Dec. – Seven water line projects (blue) totaling 9,889 feet of 6- and 8-inch diameter
  • Mar to Dec. – Nine sewer pipe projects (green) totaling 5,415 feet of 6-inch diameter pipe

An open-excavation to install large diameter storm sewer pipe at Prospect Road and Stover Street to Spring Creek will begin in June. It will involve a full closure at Prospect Road for three weeks.

Crews also will work in Oakbrook Channel in the spring to improve flooding conditions and the drainage channel.

List corresponds with numbers on map below.

1 - Stover St. from E. Myrtle St. to E. Laurel St.
February 1 – March 11

2 - Oxford Ln. from S. Lemay Ave. to cul-de-sac
February 1 – April 22

5 - Boltz Dr. from S. Lemay Ave. to Camelot Dr.
April 25 – June 3

8 - Camelot Dr. (South) from Mansfield Dr. to Boltz Dr.
June 6 – June 24

9 - Camelot Dr. (North) from Boltz Dr. to Parkview Dr.
June 27 – July 29

11 - Parkview Dr. from Swallow Rd. to Camelot Dr. (with Cul-de-sacs)
August 1 – October 14

15 - Tanglewood Dr. from Creekwood Dr. to Eastwood Dr.
October 17 – November 18

17 - Skyline Dr. at Crestmore Pl.
November 21 – December 30

Click map to enlarge.

List corresponds with numbers on map below.

3 - 600 block of Monte Vista
April 11 – May 6

4 - 900 block of Pioneer Ave.
March 14 – April 8

6 - Briarwood Rd. from 1409 Briarwood Rd. to Springfield Dr.
May 9 – June 3

7 - Village Ln. from 1409 Village Ln. to 1217 Village Ln.
June 6 – July 1

10 - Cypress Dr. from Clearview Ave. to 1404 Cypress Dr.
July 4 – August 1

12 - Fuqua Dr. from 1404 to 1117
August 8 – August 29

13 - Ash Dr. from W. Lake St. to Clearview Ave.
September 5 – October 7

14 - W. 500 block of Skyline Dr.
October 10 – November 4

16 - 500 block of Crestmore Pl.
November 7 – December 9

Click map to enlarge.

List corresponds with numbers on map below.

18 - Oakbrook Channel between Stover and Stanford
April 2016

19 - Prospect Rd. and Stover St. intersection
June 2016

Click map to enlarge.

Did You Know?

You can save water by partially fill the sink with warm water to rinse the razor blade when shaving.

Installing occupancy sensors where lights frequently are left on when no one is present can help save money and energy.

There are more than 500 miles of water mains throughout Fort Collins.