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Harmony Duct Bank#

Project Description#

The Harmony Duct Bank was a 3-phase project. Phase 1 extended new ducts from Harmony Substation to Harmony Road and was completed in late 2017. Phase 2, from the Harmony Substation to Ziegler, included the installation of 12 large underground vaults and over 125,000 feet of conduit.

The third phase extended duct bank construction east on Harmony from Ziegler to Strauss Cabin, which called for the Harmony lane closure.


This new duct bank on the north side of Harmony helps serve additional load coming on line in the Harmony corridor. This is in addition to two more existing duct banks on the south side of Harmony with feeders that were installed in the 1970s and 1990s.

The project is part of Light & Power’s 20-year plan to assure the availability of reliable electric power for years to come.

Jersey barriers and trucks on

Harmony Road

An example of conduit installation

from a past project

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