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Fossil Creek Trail BNSF Pedestrian Tunnel#

July 2016 – January 2017

Project Description

  • A new pedestrian trail tunnel was constructed under the BNSF rail line in south Fort Collins, adjacent to both Redtail Grove Natural Areas.
  • The 70-feet long, 170-inch diameter tunnel was bored under the BNSF railroad using a steel pipe casing, large hydraulic jacks and excavation equipment.
  • Additionally, two horizontally arched concrete retaining walls were constructed at the ends of the tunnel, 23 feet tall and 93 feet long.
  • The project began in July 2016 and was completed in early 2017.
  • The City of Fort Collins Park Planning & Development Department has partnered with Utilities to construct this tunnel project. The Capital Projects group uses the APDS program and has previous experience with constructing tunneling projects of this type. See the current Michigan Ditch Tunnel project.
  • Completion of the tunnel will allow the future connection of the Fossil Creek Trail from College Avenue to Shields Street. Connecting and completing the Fossil Creek Trail is the public’s number one priority in the City’s trail system.

Mailed construction notice

Go to:

Trail proposal map

Representative photos of similar tunnel construction

Did You Know?

After a rain, skipping watering until the grass dries will save not only water, but also money. 

Fort Collins Utilities monitors water quality in our water sources, treated drinking water and treated water returned to the environment.

Installing cooking vent hood controls with VFD fans and sensors (rebates available) at your business can help save energy and money.