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Fox Meadows#

The Fox Meadows Basin encompasses approximately 2.4 square miles in southeast Fort Collins.The basin is bound by Horsetooth Road on the north, Lemay Avenue on the west, Harmony Road on the south, and the Cache La Poudre River on the east.

The basin is primarily developed with residential development, some commercial areas and the Collindale Golf Course. The basin does not include a major drainageway for conveying flows through the basin, so no regulatory floodplain has been mapped. Storm runoff flows through a network of storm sewers, local drainage channels and detention ponds.

The Fox Meadows basin has limited flooding problems due to development under modern drainage criteria; however, there is still the potential for damage. It is estimated 14 structures could be damaged during a 100-year event with an estimate worth of $610,000.

The recommended solutions include:

  • Improvements to the Fossil Creek Reservoir Inlet Ditch
  • Construction of or enlargment of detention ponds, and
  • Enlargement of a culvert

Once these improvements are in place, an estimated four structures would remain exposed to damage potential in a 100-year event.

The master plan update is currently underway. The goal is to address stormwater quality from rainfall runoff and to identify stream restoration projects that protect the city's watersheds.

Check out the Water Quality Solution Map (PDF 1.0MB) for the Fox Meadows drainage basin.

Did You Know?

Sprinkler systems can be designed, installed and operated with water-efficiency in mind.

Completing a building tune-up (retro-commissioning) ensures existing systems perform as designed.

Choosing fans before air conditioning, especially during on-peak hours, can save money.