Boxelder Stormwater Improvements on Prospect Road#

Project Description
Fort Collins Utilities began construction of stormwater improvements under Prospect Road near Boxelder Creek in March 2016. At the same time, City Engineering began replacement of an existing bridge over Boxelder Creek. Both projects were built under one road closure (Prospect Road) to minimize traffic impacts.
Utilities’ major flood control project included a new channel that will direct floodwater under Prospect Road to the Poudre River and six new 4x12-foot concrete box culverts under Prospect Road. City Engineering constructed box culverts where the creek passes under the roadway, which replaced the existing bridge.
Channel grading and other work located north and south of Prospect was completed by the end of November.
From March to May, drivers on Prospect Road experienced local traffic impacts (e.g., lane closure, reduced speeds, traffic flaggers) for utility relocations. A full closure of Prospect Road began June 1 and continued through August, west of I-25 Frontage Road to just east of Summitview Drive.
The new flood channel to the west of Boxelder Creek will pass 100-year flood flows under Prospect Road through new box culverts. The channel and box culverts will eliminate up to 2 feet of floodwater spilling over Prospect Road during large storms and will result in the elimination of a serious safety hazard to the public during floods.
The project is funded jointly by the Boxelder Stormwater Authority and Fort Collins Utilities Stormwater funds.

Did You Know?
Planting shade trees to block unwanted summer sun is a good, long-term approach if you plan to be in your home for many years.
In warm seasons at night (when temperatures are cooler), open windows when you feel comfortable doing so (i.e. in calm weather condition, with a window stopper in place, during clean air days, etc).
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