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Canal Importation Ponds & Outfall Project#

This drainage improvement project was completed in 2012 in the Canal Importation Drainage Basin. The project was identified in the 2002-03 Stormwater Master Plan initiative.

The CIPO project was awarded the American Public Works Association Colorado Chapter annual award as the top Drainage and Flood Control Project in a Large Community in 2011. The award was presented to the project team (Fort Collins Utilities, Ayres Associates, Anderson Consulting Engineers, Garney Construction) in January 2012.

A 2010 aerial view of Red Fox Meadows at the southeast corner of Taft Hill and Prospect roads.

Did You Know?

You can enroll your electric water heater in Peak Partners and automatically shift when your water is heated.

Planting shade trees to block unwanted summer sun is a good, long-term approach if you plan to be in your home for many years. 

It is recommended that you aerate your lawn once a year.