Lincoln/Willow Storm Sewer Upgrades#
Project Description
From January 2015 - May 2016, Fort Collins Utilities replaced old and undersized storm sewer infrastructure in the Downtown River District. The project improved drainage, added water quality treatment and increased safety for area properties and transportation systems.
Construction included the addition of a water quality diversion structure and outfall into the Poudre River at Lincoln Avenue and Willow Street. A 48-inch storm sewer and inlets were constructed along Willow Street and an 8-inch waterline was added adjacent to Willow Street from Lincoln Avenue to Linden Street.
The previous storm sewer infrastructure in the Downtown River District was aged, undersized and a risk to existing properties and area transportation during major storm events.
Additionally, many storm sewer lines were routed below private property and difficult to access for repairs.
This project improved drainage and maintenance issues by adding adequately sized infrastructure to public right-of-way. It also added water quality treatment to the area by diverting runoff to ponds in the Udall Natural Area.
NOTE: Following the storm sewer project, City of Fort Collins Engineering constructed improvements along Lincoln Avenue between Lemay Avenue and the Lincoln bridge, including replacement of the bridge. This project was completed in summer 2017.
Jan. 29-Crews prepare site of future outfall.
Feb. 17-Concrete work and placement of pipes at site of outfall.
March 18-Crews install 10-foot manhole base and prepare to pour concrete at the outfall.
May 13-Completed outfall
May 13-The street and railroad tracks are restored, while finishing touches are put on the landscaping.
Did You Know?
Purchasing ENERGY STAR® appliances when replacing old ones helps you save energy and money without sacrificing performance.
You can save money by shifting your electric use to the lower-priced, off-peak hours or by reducing your overall use.
Rebates are available for 1.1 gallons per flush, WaterSense-labeled toilets.