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West Vine Outfall Project#

In 2003, the City of Fort Collins and Larimer County adopted the West Vine Basin Master Drainage Plan (PDF 33KB). Improvements to help alleviate flooding during a 100-year storm include detention ponds, channels, storm sewers, culverts and spill structures from the irrigation canals.

Funding for the project came from Stormwater utility fees collected from city and county residents and dedicated to stormwater improvements.

The project was the first step in alleviating flooding and improving water quality in the West Vine drainage basin.

Construction began November 2013 and was completed by summer 2014 with final landscaping and restoration continuing into fall 2014.

The Poudre Trail was closed from mid-November to early spring for construction, a detour route was in place during that time.

Did You Know?

Rebates are available to install interior and exterior lighting controls at your business.

Using low water-using plants that provide seasonal colors and textures for year-round beauty can help save on irrigation costs.

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