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Low Impact Development (LID)#

Library Park LID sign

Low Impact Development (LID) is a stormwater management technique that seeks to mimic natural systems, primarily through gardens and landscaping, while also offering a functional stormwater run-off system.

LID Projects in Fort Collins:

For More Details on LID Principles of Design and Criteria

Click image for a larger view of how LID works.

Low Impact Development:

  • Mimics natural hydrology by using design techniques that infiltrate, filter, store, evaporate and detain runoff close to its source
  • Addresses stormwater through small, cost-effective landscape features located at the lot level
  • Applies equally well to new development, urban retrofits and redevelopment/revitalization projects

For more information about LID principles and practices, please refer to the following resources:

Contact civil engineer Basil Hamdan at or 970-224-6035 for more information.

View How LID Works

Did You Know?

You can save water by partially fill the sink with warm water to rinse the razor blade when shaving.

Pre-heating your home before 5 p.m. in the winter and coasting through the on-peak hours can save money on your utility bill.

Small leaks and drips add up. Don't drip and drive.