Low Impact Development (LID)#
Low Impact Development (LID) is a stormwater management technique that seeks to mimic natural systems, primarily through gardens and landscaping, while also offering a functional stormwater run-off system.
LID Projects in Fort Collins:
Low Impact Development:
- Mimics natural hydrology by using design techniques that infiltrate, filter, store, evaporate and detain runoff close to its source
- Addresses stormwater through small, cost-effective landscape features located at the lot level
- Applies equally well to new development, urban retrofits and redevelopment/revitalization projects
For more information about LID principles and practices, please refer to the following resources:
City of Fort Collins
- Managing Stormwater Naturally (YouTube)
- Managing Stormwater Nautrally (PDF presentation)
- Environmental Protection Agency
- North Carolina State
- University of New Hampshire
- Villanova University
Contact civil engineer Basil Hamdan at bhamdan@fcgov.com or 970-224-6035 for more information.
Did You Know?
You can save water by partially fill the sink with warm water to rinse the razor blade when shaving.
Pre-heating your home before 5 p.m. in the winter and coasting through the on-peak hours can save money on your utility bill.
Small leaks and drips add up. Don't drip and drive.