Source Water Protection Plan#
The City of Fort Collins, with assistance from the Colorado Rural Water Association, has completed a Source Water Protection Plan. This document guides the City's water quality monitoring and water supply protection priorities.
Stakeholder Letter (PDF 127KB)
Source Water Protection Plan (PDF 3MB)
Report Appendices#
Appendix A - Stakeholder List (PDF 302KB)
Appendix B - 2004 Source Water Assessment Report (PDF 1MB)
Appendix C - CRWA SWAP Risk Assessment Matrix (PDF 78KB)
Appendix D - Table A-1 Discrete Contaminant Types (PDF 23KB)
Appendix E - Table A-2 Discrete Contaminant Types SIC Related (PDF 95KB)
Appendix F - Table B-1 Dispersed Contaminant Sources (PDF 20KB)
Appendix G - Table C-1 Contaminants Associated with Common PSOCs (PDF 159KB)
Appendix H - Upper CLP Watershed Mine Inventory and Assessment (PDF 2MB)
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