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Water Service Line Repairs#

Water damage can cost you. Water damage may be covered separately from a typical homeowner’s insurance policy. To verify whether water damage is covered in your policy, contact your insurance agent. Fort Collins Utilities is not responsible for water damage caused by a property’s service line or internal plumbing.

Homeowner Responsibility#

The curb stop is the dividing point between Utilities-owned lines, and lines that are the responsibility of the property owner. The service line between the house and the curb stop is owned by, installed, repaired and replaced at the expense of the property owner.

Note: On-bill financing may be available to assist with repair costs.

There are many service providers offering protection programs for water service line maintenance and replacement. Utilities is not affiliated with any program, nor do we endorse any programs.

Below is an example of an outside and an inside meter setting.

Utilities Responsibility#

Utilities is responsible for and pays all costs related to repairs to the water service line from the water main to the curb stop.

Only Utilities staff can operate the curb stop, which is a valve near your property line that turns off water to the entire house. Utilities' Leak Detection Program staff monitor the City's water lines and service connections with electronic leak-detection equipment. The Leak Detection staff routinely survey the lines for maintenance and water conservation.

Service lines include all pipe and fittings up to, and including, the curb stop and waste valve in a building with an outside meter setting, and up to, and including, the valve at the downstream side of the meter for an inside meter setting.

Outside Meter Installation

Sewer Line Repairs#

Utilities responsibilities:

  • Clean blockages from City's main sewer line
  • Pay for janitorial service to clean homeowner's basement, crawl space or affected area if the blockage is in the main sewer line (Blockages between the house and sewer main are the homeowner's responsibility.)

Homeowner responsibilities:

  • Own and maintain sewer service pipe between the house and the sewer main (located in the street)
  • Contact Utilities if sewage backs into your basement or crawl space so Utilities can determine if the problem lies in the City's main sewage line and remove the blockage
  • Pay for all cleanup or repair expenses, including repairing damage to the street or driveway, if the blockage is between the house and sewer main (Call a plumber to clean out roots or grease accumulation and fix structural problems, all of which can plug sewer lines.)

Did You Know?

Planting trees on east, southeast, southwest and west exposures reduce solar heat gain and reduce glare through windows.

Mowing with a dull blade tears grass and stresses the lawn. Always be sure to mow with a sharp mower blade.

We operate a flood warning system that monitors real-time rainfall information.