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Since the City owns very little land within the source watersheds, it’s necessary to participate in stakeholder collaborations and rely on sound scientific information collected through monitoring efforts to help guide watershed planning and management efforts that protect the City’s drinking water sources.

Fort Collins Utilities collaborates with the City of Greeley, the Tri-Districts, Northern Water, and other entities on water quality monitoring and watershed assessments. This sustainable approach to monitoring and managing large watershed reduces sampling costs and provides a significant shared knowledge base benefiting multiple stakeholder groups. For data requests and more information about the Utilities Source Watershed Water Quality Monitoring Program, contact Utilities.

Utilities is currently collaborating on the following projects:

The Big Thompson Watershed Forum is a non-profit organization that works to protect and improve water quality in the Big Thompson Watershed through collaborative monitoring, assessment, education and restoration projects.

The Source Watershed Program supports the Big Thompson Watershed Forum through funding and serving on the Board of Directors.

View the 2015 Big Thompson Newsletter.

CPRW is a non-profit organization that works to promote the improvement of the ecological health of the Poudre River watershed through the collaboration of a broad range of stakeholders.

The City of Fort Collins Source Watershed Program supports CPRW as a funding member of the Board of Directors, as well as participating on the CPRW Science and Monitoring Team.

The coalition is currently working with its stakeholders to develop a watershed recovery and resiliency plan for the Upper Poudre Watershed.

The Source Watershed Program worked with City of Fort Collins Natural Areas to develop a River Health Assessment Framework for the Poudre River, which 'grades' the health of the Poudre River from its headwaters downstream through the City of Fort Collins.

This effort aims to support community resilience through properly functioning watershed services. The first River Health Assessment is planned for 2016.

Did You Know?

Fats, oils and grease can clog the pipes in your home and the City’s wastewater system. Don’t put them down the drain. Toss them instead.

LED light bulbs use 75% less electricity than traditional incandescent light bulbs.

Bluegrass lawns generally require 1" or more of water per week, depending on the weather.