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Human & Environmental Pressures#

Effects of mountain pine beetle infestation

Our source watersheds are subject to various human and environmental pressures. Pine beetle, deforestation, wildfires, mining, increasing recreational use, invasive species, and climate change are all potential sources of future impacts to source water quality. Operational changes to the Colorado-Big Thompson (C-BT) Project, including proposed water supply transfers to Horsetooth Reservoir, also are potential sources of future water quality impacts.

Continued routine monitoring of the City's source watersheds is an important part of planning for future challenges and is a proactive approach to maintaining the City's high drinking water quality standards. Outside the scope of routine monitoring, special studies are designed to address specific long-term issues and concerns.

Utilities is currently working with The Colorado Rural Water Association to develop and implement a Source Water Protection Plan (SWPP) to address potential human and environmental pressures posing risks to infrastructure and water quality in the the Upper Cache la Poudre Watershed and Horsetooth Reservoir.

Did You Know?

Utilities offers incentives on ENERGY STAR®-certified clothes washers. 

Mowing bluegrass 2.5"-3" tall will promote deeper rooting and shade the plant's root zone. Never cut more than 1/3 of the leaf blade.

Rebates are available for 1.1 gallons per flush, WaterSense-labeled toilets.