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Fluoride Technical Study Group Report#

This report presents the consensus findings of the Fluoride Technical Study Group, which was charged with assessing the risks and benefits of community water fluoridation. The report will help risk managers (the Larimer County Board of Health, the Water Commission and the Fort Collins City Council) decide whether to continue, alter or discontinue drinking water fluoridation.

The executive summary (PDF 109KB) lists the five most important considerations underlying the report and its findings, and then presents the findings themselves, which were developed in four categories:

  • The effectiveness of drinking water fluoridation in preventing cavities
  • The risks of fluoridation and of cumulative exposure from all sources
  • The costs and benefits of both adding and not adding fluoride
  • The potential for increased contaminant levels in drinking water due to the use of hydrofluorosilicic acid in the fluoridation process

The Report

Learn more about the group's process, priorities, literature review method, weight of evidence approach with uncertainties, important background information, and more in the Report's Introduction (revised April 9, 2003: PDF 205KB).

Read the full report (revised April 9, 2003: PDF 7.2MB - 227 pages).

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