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Xeriscape Resources#

Before You Dig!#

Any time earth is moved or removed using equipment, tools or explosives, the Utility Notification Center of Colorado must be notified. Please dial 811 so that underground utilities can be located.

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Water-Wise Professionals

These landscape and irrigation contractors know their stuff and are ready to help you achieve a water-wise landscape.

Edging, Boulders and Hardscape


Cutting Edge Gardening for the Intermountain West, Marcia Tatrow, 2007.

Durable Plants for the Garden: A Plant Select Guide, Plant Select®, 2009.

Passionate Gardening: Good Advice for Challenging Climates, Lauren Springer & Rob Proctor, 2000.

The Undaunted Garden: Planting for Weather Resilient Beauty, Lauren Springer, 2010.

Waterwise Landscaping with Trees, Shrubs & Vines, Jim Knopf, 1994.

Xeriscape Handbook, Gayle Weinstein, 1999.

Xeriscape Plant Guide, Denver Water, 1996.

Did You Know?

Replacing kitchen and bathroom faucet aerators with WaterSense-labeled models can help save water.

Permanent "duct mastic" material – not duct tape – should be used for sealing attic ductwork and crawl spaces.

There are more than 500 miles of water mains throughout Fort Collins.