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Project Description#

Construction Map (PDF 416KB)

Reduced Floodplain Map After Improvements (PDF 238KB)

Construction on the Canal Importation Ponds & Outfall (CIPO) Drainage Improvement Project began in fall 2007. The completed project:

  • Greatly reduced flood risk east of the New Mercer Ditch, including Constitution Avenue to City Park Drive and Elizabeth Street to Prospect Road—high-priority areas that were severely flooded in 1997
  • Mapped 175 homes out of the City-regulated floodplain through improvements
  • Reduced flooding in areas northeast of Prospect and Taft Hill Roads, including Elizabeth and Shields Streets and CSU
  • Improved water quality in Red Fox Meadows Detention Basin and downstream to Heatheridge Ponds
  • Improved local street drainage in Suffolk Street, Castlerock, Springfield and Glenmoor Drives and Taft Hill Road
  • Eliminated overtopping of Taft Hill Road, south of Prospect Road, during most storms
  • Improved conditions at Glenmoor Detention Basin
  • Resulted in minor improvements at Avery Pond and Plum Detention Basin

Major project goals were met:

  • Protect people and properties from flooding in the Canal Importation Basin
  • Map 175 homes out of the City-regulated floodplain through improvements
  • Restore and enhance affected wildlife habitat and natural areas
  • Improve stormwater quality

The total project budget was $21.5 million over five years and was completed under budget. (Stormwater capital projects are funded through monthly stormwater fees.)

Did You Know?

It is recommended that you aerate your lawn once a year.

Utilities offers incentives on ENERGY STAR®-certified clothes washers. 

Replacing some bluegrass with low water-using planting beds can save water and money.