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Project Description#

Construction Map (PDF 416KB)

Reduced Floodplain Map After Improvements (PDF 238KB)

Construction on the Canal Importation Ponds & Outfall (CIPO) Drainage Improvement Project began in fall 2007. The completed project:

  • Greatly reduced flood risk east of the New Mercer Ditch, including Constitution Avenue to City Park Drive and Elizabeth Street to Prospect Road—high-priority areas that were severely flooded in 1997
  • Mapped 175 homes out of the City-regulated floodplain through improvements
  • Reduced flooding in areas northeast of Prospect and Taft Hill Roads, including Elizabeth and Shields Streets and CSU
  • Improved water quality in Red Fox Meadows Detention Basin and downstream to Heatheridge Ponds
  • Improved local street drainage in Suffolk Street, Castlerock, Springfield and Glenmoor Drives and Taft Hill Road
  • Eliminated overtopping of Taft Hill Road, south of Prospect Road, during most storms
  • Improved conditions at Glenmoor Detention Basin
  • Resulted in minor improvements at Avery Pond and Plum Detention Basin

Major project goals were met:

  • Protect people and properties from flooding in the Canal Importation Basin
  • Map 175 homes out of the City-regulated floodplain through improvements
  • Restore and enhance affected wildlife habitat and natural areas
  • Improve stormwater quality

The total project budget was $21.5 million over five years and was completed under budget. (Stormwater capital projects are funded through monthly stormwater fees.)

Did You Know?

Ensuring heating registers aren't blocked by furniture, carpet, drapes can help your heating system perform better.

Installing occupancy sensors where lights frequently are left on when no one is present can help save money and energy.

Small leaks and drips add up. Don't drip and drive.